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Speculative Chic


Hey guys, I have a new venue. I've been writing speculative fiction reviews over on Speculative Chic, a blog where a bunch of women (and some not women) write about all things science fiction and fantasy. We talk about movies, music, TV, video games, and most of all, books.

I have a regular column on the fourth Wednesday of every month but I also do about two or three reviews a week, so watch out for those. This is a great forum with lots of fantastic people and opinions. We're blogging through the Hugos right now, which is actually how I got started with this group. They needed someone to talk about The Vorkosigan Saga and I love talking about The Vorkosigan Saga.

So if you're interested in everything speculative (or if you really miss my dulcet tones), head on over and check us out.

A Long Awaited Update

In case you've been wondering what I've been doing the last couple years...


I decided to take some time off from the blog to concentrate on this project, and it's been a very rewarding experience. Thank you for all the support you've given me over the years.


A-Z Bookish Survey

I saw this over on Bookworm Blues and thought it looked fun.

Author You've Read the Most Books From:

Mercedes Lackey with Tamora Pierce and Lois McMaster Bujold coming in as close seconds.

Best Sequel Ever:

The first is great. The second one is better. The third is best.

The King of Attolia

Currently Reading:


Drink of Choice While Reading:

Vanilla Coke

E-Reader or Physical Book:

Both. I don't like carting around a pile of books while I travel, but when I'm at home, I still prefer paper and ink.

Fictional Character You Probably Would've Actually Dated in High School:

Herald Mage Vanyel Ashkevron from Mercedes Lackey's The Last Herald Mage Trilogy, though I wouldn't have had a chance because he's gay. Still we spent many wonderful hours together, so it's kind of like we were dating, right?

Magic's Price

Glad You Gave This Book a Chance:

I'd almost decided not to read this at all until I found it on sale and now it's probably one of my favorite retellings.


Hidden Gem Book:


Important Moment in Your Reading Life:

When I got serious about writing. Totally changed the way I read. Sometimes I wish I could go back. I'd enjoy way more books that way.

Just Finished:


Kinds of Books You Won't Read:

Just not interested. Goes for literary fiction as well.

The Notebook

Longest Book You've Read:

According to,015 pages.

Kushiel's Dart

Major Book Hangover Because of:

Her books ruined me for all other books. This one in particular broke me and put me back together again.

Mirror Dance

Number of Bookcases You Own:


One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:

So many old friends and I have to choose just one? How about I narrow it down to two?


Preferred Place to Read:

Um, anywhere I happen to be. I have a comfy chair in my library but I just never end up there.

Quote That Inspires You/Gives You All the Feels From a Book You've Read:

“Most of us are called on to perform tasks far beyond what we can do. Our capabilities seldom match our aspirations, and we are often woefully unprepared. To this extent, we are all Assistant Pig-Keepers at heart."

- The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander

Reading Regret:

I regret wasting time on terrible books like these. See W.


Series you Started and Need to Finish (All Books in Series Are Out):

It's just shameful that I haven't finished these. I'm so sorry, Carol. I'll get right on it.


Three of Your All Time Favorite Books:

Okay, I guess choosing three is better than listing the seventy-seven Goodreads says I have.


Unapologetic Fangirl For:

Oh dear. You caught me.


Very Excited For This Release, More So Than Others:

It's actually already out, so maybe it doesn't count, but I about peed myself when I heard there was another Vorkosigan novel coming and then I waited AGES for it.

Captain Vorpatril's Alliance

Worst Bookish Habit:

I cannot put down a bad book. It could get better on the next page.

X-Marks the Spot: Start at the Top Left of Your Shelf and Pick the 27th Book

World War Z

Your Latest Book Purchase:

I went to the used book sale at my library last weekend and picked up a bunch. Too many to picture here. But among my selections were childhood favorites like these that should have already been on my shelf.


And new ones that I'm really looking forward to like these.


ZZZ-Snatcher Book (Last Book That Kept You Up Way Late):


Best of the Year

Blank pageWow guys. I realized this week that this blog has been up for an entire year now. So I thought I should do something special to commemorate the occasion. Welcome to the first annual Best of the Year Awards where I share with you my favorite posts from the past twelve months. First up...

Best Writing Post:

  • Runner up: What Now?  I still like to go back and read this one to remind myself why I write. It seems especially timely right now since there's a couple rejections sitting in my inbox.
  • Favorite: Bow Chicka   I had so much fun writing this one. It may have been a bit of a rant but it's not my fault when people say stupid things.

Best Review Post:miserere.finalcov.indd

  • Runner up: Frohock's Mercy  Miserere was such an interesting book to review. Maybe because I felt like I learned more about the book while writing the post than I did the entire time I was reading it.
  • Favorite: Dodging Monsters with the Leandros Brothers  Nightlife is still one of my favorite books and I had a lot of fun writing the review. It was also my very first, so it holds a special place in my heart.

Best Character Post:

  • Runner up: Manic Mayhem with Miles  I always love reading about Miles and I'm not the only one. I thought it was fascinating to pick him apart as a character to figure out why he is so beloved.
  • Favorite: Never the Same  Gen has meant a lot to me in my journey as a writer as well as someone with a disability, and I really enjoyed sharing his story with y'all.

Best Disability Post:Jonas and I during training

  • Runner up: Who Let the Dogs Out? Come on. It's about Jonas. Need I say more?
  • Favorite: Living Not Waiting  I realize that not everyone shares my coping techniques but this one is important to me. Finding others who felt the same was a blessing.

I started this blog not really knowing what to expect, but I've really enjoyed the process. I love writing about books and disability and I've really appreciated the challenge of posting weekly. Maybe one of these days I'll step out of my comfort zone and post more than that.

These are just some of my favorite posts. What have you guys enjoyed?

Truth or Lie?

Last week we played Two Truths and a Lie – actually more like Six Truths and Three Lies – and this week it’s time to take a look at which is which.

  1. I’m over a foot shorter than my husband.

- True. Josh is 6’6” and I’m a whopping 5’4”. Stop sniggering. 5’4” is average and it’s not my fault I married a giant…well actually it is, I guess.

  1. The first car I ever hit was a Jaguar.

- True. I hit a Jaguar with a neurotic Ford Taurus. Not a bad accident but dents and yelling ensued.

  1. The first stitches I ever had were in my tongue.

- True. Never had stitches in my life until a dentist cut my tongue open with her drill when I was twenty-four. Very unpleasant. Very traumatic. Needless to say I do not like dentists.

  1. I’m a Texan by birth.

- False. I consider myself from Texas, since I spent the most time there growing up, but I was born in New Jersey.

  1. I have a hot foot and a cold foot.

- True. During a scoliosis surgery they have to cut a certain nerve that runs along the spine that regulates the temperature of your feet. I now have one hot foot and one cold foot. Since they both used to be cold all the time, I consider this an improvement.

  1. I have eaten kangaroo, alligator, crocodile, veal, octopus, squid, swordfish, and bison.

- True. My favorite part about being to so many countries is the food.

  1. I have sky-dived, bungee-jumped, and white-water rafted while here in Colorado.

- False. All I can say is: hell, no.

  1. I was a crew member on a 135 year old tall ship.

- True. My dad and I spent several years volunteering on the Elissa in Galveston.

  1. My husband proposed to me under the Century Tree at Texas A&M (our alma mater).

- False. Though the century tree is a popular spot for that sort of thing, Josh proposed in Rocky Mountain National Park at the top of Trail Ridge Road. Much better than some ancient tree, I think.

I hope you guys have enjoyed this little break from the norm. I certainly had fun with it.

Tall Tales

A couple weeks ago my friend Becca nominated me for the inspiring blogger award. The idea that I’m inspiring to anyone is still new and unsettling, but it’s very encouraging to know that there are people out there who actually pay attention to - and care about - what I write. So thanks to everyone who listens to the small things I have to say. As part of this I’m supposed to tell you seven things about myself, but I think lists are boring so I figured I’d change it up a little and turn it into a game. We’re going to play Two Truths and a Lie. I'm going to tell you nine things about myself. Six of them will be true but three of them will be lies. If you think you can spot the tall tales, give it your best shot in the comments. All clear? Then let’s play.

  1. I’m over a foot shorter than my husband.
  2. The first car I ever hit was a Jaguar.
  3. The first stitches I ever had were in my tongue.
  4. I’m a Texan by birth.
  5. I have a hot foot and a cold foot.
  6. I have eaten kangaroo, alligator, crocodile, veal, octopus, squid, swordfish, and bison.
  7. I have sky-dived, bungee-jumped, and white-water rafted while here in Colorado.
  8. I was a crew member on a 135 year old tall ship.
  9. My husband proposed to me under the Century Tree at Texas A&M (our alma mater).

Any guesses? Stay tuned next week for the answers.
